Cities of Learning – Pittsburgh

May 20, 2014
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST
By Educator Innovator

An inside look at how the city of Pittsburgh is pulled together to extend learning beyond the classroom throughout 2014.

From this Series:

View the Conversation
During the broadcast, the conversation also took place on Twitter using the hashtag #connectedlearning and #COL2014.

Guests for this webinar included:

  • Dustin Stiver is the Program Officer for Engagement & Collaboration at The Sprout Fund. Dustin designs the network-building, knowledge-sharing, and civic engagement activities of the organization.
  • Khalif Ali is a Program Manager at The Sprout Fund. Khalif leads the Badges for Learning project, an effort to catalyze the use of digital badges across the Pittsburgh region.
  • Ani Martinez is a Program Associate at The Sprout Fund. Ani leads the Digital Corps, a group of makers, educators, community members, and students working to demystify robots, code websites, investigate privacy issues, and pair mentors with teenagers.
  • Corey Wittig is Digital Learning Librarian for Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. He manages The Labs @ CLP, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s teen-only Learning Lab and was recognized as a Library Journal Mover and Shaker in 2012.
  • Rachel Shepherd manages the Youth & Media Program at Steeltown Entertainment Project, and for the last three years has worked with over 70 schools throughout the Pittsburgh region to use digital media to create social change and empower teens.

Resources for this webinar:

#ConnectedLearning Discussion on Twitter


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