5 Things I Learned from the NC-DLCN

January 06, 2016
By Educator Innovator

Although originally published in the fall of 2015, the insights that author Greg Garner shares about mentorship and leadership still hold strong value in a new year. This piece was originally published as part of the “Innovation to Change Education” blog series by the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative which is powered by the William & Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation.

“Perhaps the most important, foundational truth that came out of our Digital Leaders Coaching Network is the idea that we must intentionally engage in a continuous cycle of learning, unlearning, collaborating, and iterating. We have to explore new ideas and not hold quite so tightly to things that might stand in the way of providing students with an education that meets their needs. As coaches, we have to model what we want to see in our classrooms. If you want to encourage teachers to innovate, we must be innovative. If you want to promote the growth mindset, have one. If you want them to have passion for learning then we must be inspiring.”

By Greg Garner

Interested in finding out more? Read the full article at the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative.