Making Space and Time for Student Agency and Voice

October 01, 2014
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm PDT
By Educator Innovator

Powerful learning occurs when youth, driven by their own interests, are supported in being creators and not just consumers of knowledge. In celebration of October’s Connected Educator Month, we kicked things off with a focus on how we can create opportunities, space, and time for all youth to be agents in their own learning. This webinar drew inspiration from the “Maker Movement” and used the Connected Learning principles to support the sharing of ideas and strategies related to this notion of youth agency throughout October and beyond.

Guests for this webinar included:
Laura Bradley, Bay Area Writing Project teacher-consultant and middle school teacher involved with NaNoWriMo
Kim Douillard, San Diego Area Writing Project director and elementary teacher
Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, National Writing Project executive director
Paul Oh, National Writing Project senior associate
Jo Paraiso, Oakland high school teacher also involved at

Live Chat Archive
Click here to view and download a PDF version of the live chat conversation that happened during the webinar.

Student Agency, Voice, and the Maker Movement
Connected Educator Month at Educator Innovator
Digital Is
Building Student Collaborative Practice #ce14
Connected Learning Principles
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International Dot Day
Peter Reynolds’ Ish
The Marshmallow Challenge
Global Read Aloud
NaNoWriMo Young Writer’s Program
Fishbowl Discussion
Youth Voices
Laura Bradley Edutopia Series
NaNoWriMo in the Classroom Weebly
NaNoWriMo Forums
Teachers Teaching Teachers October 1: Youth Voices
Hour of Code Webinar at Educator Innovator
Mozilla Festival 2014
Make-A-Day at Digital Is
Connected Learning Alliance

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