LEARN Marginal Syllabus 2019-20 (November)—Whiteness is a White Problem: Whiteness...
The first reading for our 2019-20 Marginal Syllabus employs racial storytelling as a means to...
LEARN WITH MARGINAL SYLLABUS (June)—Even Cinderella Is White: (Re)Centering Black...
The authors of our June reading call out the oppressive ways our society depicts Black...
Deep Center: How a Strong Pedagogy Allows for Improvisation and...
One year ago we were able to invest in this inspiring and transformational work through...
LEARN with Marginal Syllabus (April): Cultivating Urban Literacies on Chicago’s...
Our April reading for Marginal Syllabus spotlights a middle school teacher’s approach to teaching through...
LEARN with Marginal Syllabus (March)—Critical Indigenous Literacies: Selecting and Using...
For March, our Marginal Syllabus reading casts a light on the ways in which books...
Untangling Academic Transformation through Untethered, Equitable Professional Development
Connected learning opportunities—like our Marginal Syllabus partnership—help improve digital literacy among educators and address some...
LEARN with Colleagues Committed to Equity in Learning and Literacy:...
This third iteration is an opportunity for social reading, writing, and discussion about the intersection...
Writing Our Civic Futures: The 2017-18 Marginal Syllabus Recap
Joe Dillon summarizes the eight texts, author partnerships, and annotation conversations that comprise “Writing Our...
Starting at the Margins: An Invitation to Writing Our Civic...
With Writing Our Civic Futures, a collaborative project of the National Writing Project and Marginal...
Six Ways to Build Girl-Inclusive Makerspaces
Nikole Collins-Puri, CEO of TechBridge Girls, explores her organization's mission and outlines six key strategies...
Maker Programs Strive to Reach All Students
Through training and outreach, maker programs aim for greater diversity among future innovators.
Annotate, Collaborate, and Learn with Marginal Syllabus and Educator Innovator
Join us this month as we launch our partnership with Marginal Syllabus with a Hypothesis...
Immigrant Teens in the South Bronx Learn the Art of...
Teachers in the South Bronx extend opportunities for student-driven online writing projects through the Youth...
Connecting Colleagues in Cyberspace
Educator innovator Mia Zamora introduces Virtually Connecting, a new connected learning community with a foundational...
#CharlestonSyllabus: A Reading List to Contextualize the Massacre
Our partner, The Learning Network, introduces the origins of #CharlestonSyllabus—a crowdsourced list that provides information...
Linking Communities with STEM puts Compassion and Service into Practice
See how youth from socially and economically diverse backgrounds have come together, through an LRNG...
Essential Learning Curves: Engage the Imagination at DML 2015
Learn more about the upcoming Digital Media & Learning Conference where some of the nation’s...
Why #techquity
“Why is it that when young people use technology on adult terms, they are praised...
Another Cause of Inequality: Slow Internet in Schools
By Heidi Moore Using digital tools in the classroom isn’t the future of learning, it’s...
A Reflection on Digital Learning Day
A Day to Celebrate, Explore, Question, and Look Ahead On February 5, 2014, educators and...